Arguing for the existence of the Biblical God from Jesus’ resurrection from the dead


Did Jesus rise from the dead? How would one go about demonstrating the existence of the God of the Bible from the basic facts surrounding Jesus’ resurrection? Whenever we take into account the cumulative force of other arguments for God’s existence (argument from the origin of the universe; argument from the universe’s fine-tuning; argument from universal morality), we arrive at a high probability that God indeed does exist. What this podcast will show today is that when it comes to Christ’s resurrection, the best explanation for the historic resurrection of Jesus is the argument that God raised Jesus from the dead. This particular argument bridges one from the realm of general monotheism or belief in God in a general sense to the specific truth that the God of the Bible is the true and living God. Moreover, we are able, with this argument, to go from probabilities to approaching the truth that God did indeed raise Jesus from the dead. The Holy Spirit can use such arguments to bring the open-minded person to the certainty of knowing that God did indeed raised Jesus from the dead. Click on the link above and listen to the ten-minute overview of this major argument for God’s existence. This same link can be accessed as episode #13 of the “New Hope Podcast” on the website of the church at which God has called me to preach at

Arguing for God’s existence from universal morality


Welcome to today’s podcast, where we offer an argument for God’s existence from considerations of universal moral values and duties. Just click on the link above and then push “play”. You can also find this episode at, where you click on the tab “sermons/podcasts”.


Arguing God’s existence from the fine tuning of the universe for intelligent life


Click on the link above and then click once more to hear how one can infer God’s existence from the fine-tuning of the universe for intelligent life. The childhood story of Goldi-locks and the three bears brings home this principle of fine-tuning by way of exploring how the universe’s constants (like the speed of light) and quantities (our distances from the sun) is “just-right-for-life”. You are invited to listen and learn about this major argument for God’s existence, both in the link above or at the website of New Hope Baptist Church at


Arguing God’s Existence from the Beginning of the Universe.


I recently recorded a series of podcasts that feature arguments for God’s existence (i.e theistic arguments). This first podcast highlights a theistic argument from the origin of the universe – a type of argument called a “cosmological argument”. Click on the following link and then push play:…/8ECAE931-BB25-4383-825F-96D7548…
You can also find this same podcast (podcast #10) on the website of New Hope Baptist Church, Watertown, NY at the following link:
May God be glorified!

New Hope Podcast: God-centered praying


You’re invited to listen to an 11-minute podcast that deals with the subject of God-centered praying. How does the Triune God operate in our prayer-life? Find out the answers in this episode. You can also check out prior episodes of the New Hope podcast at the church of which God has called me to pastor at: website:

New Hope Podcast – Pilot Episode


Today you are invited to listen to the pilot episode of a new podcast entitled: “New Hope Podcast”. This podcast’s aim is to equip listeners with tools and resources for reinforcing the “newness of hope” found in Jesus Christ. In this inaugural episode (less than 9 minutes in length), a definition of the Gospel is offered and discussed.  The pilot episode and other episodes of the podcast can be found on the website of the church at which I pastor – New Hope Baptist Church ( When you click on that website, select the tab marked “RSS Feeds” and then choose “podcasts”. May you be blessed as you listen.

A New Podcast – New Hope Podcast

For anyone who had ever listened to my podcast: “”, the name has changed to “New Hope Podcast”. This change reflects a more sharpened focus and desire to extend the proclamation of the Christian worldview through audio sermons, podcasts and studies. Visitors can still review sermons and podcast episodes from the older “gcrpodcast”. Over the next few weeks and months I will be posting new podcasts that will aim to equip listeners on how to live, proclaim and defend the Christian worldview. May God be glorified in these efforts! Stay tuned!

Podcast: ABC’s of Apologetics & Evangelism: The Almighty God, Maker of Heaven and Earth


Today’s podcast presents an argument for God’s existence that demonstrates how He is the Almighty Creator of the universe. This podcast is the first in a series entitled: “ABC’s of Apologetics & Evangelism”.  The episode is under 8 minutes in length, with the key Biblical text being Acts 17:22-34. May God richly bless all who listen. Listeners can feel free to use the podcast for whatever purpose is necessary in spreading the truth of God’s Word and reliability of the Christian faith.


Podcast: Introduction to the ABC’s of Apologetics & Evangelism

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How does one begin defending and explaining the Christian faith? When we consider how the Apostle Paul explained the Christian worldview to a group of skeptical philosophers in Athens, we are introduced to a sound strategy. Such a strategy for communicating why we believe what we believe is called “classical apologetics”. Such a method begins with arguments for God’s existence and then proceeds to the specific case for Christian theism by examining the reliability of scripture and evidence for Jesus’ resurrection from the dead. In this introductory podcast, the listener will get a quick overview of how Paul expressed his apologetic for the Christian faith in Acts 17:22-34 under the four following alphabetically arranged points:

Almighty Creator of the universe is God. Acts 17:22-29

Basis of objective moral values and duties is God. Acts 17:30-31

Christ’s resurrection from the dead. Acts 17:31

Decide whether to accept or reject the gospel. Acts 17:32-34

Sermon: How God is the explanation of the universe – Acts 17


How is God the explanation of the universe? Today’s message derives from Paul’s sermon at Athens in Acts 17. Featured in the message is the following argument for God’s existence:

Premise #1: Everything that exists has an explanation for its existence, whether by necessity of its own nature or by a cause outside of itself

Premise #2 If the universe has an explanation for its existence, that explanation is God

Premise #3 The universe exists

Premise #4 The universe has an explanation for its existence

Premise #5 God is the explanation as to why the universe exists

Therefore: God exists